Graphs and Tables for Relationships Between Variables.

Lesson 5/26 | Study Time: 0 Min

Creating a side-by-side chart in

1.  Choose your data

2.  Insert -> Charts -> Clustered Column


Selecting more than one series (groups
of data) will automatically prompt Excel to create a side-by-side bar (column)


When we want to represent two numerical variables
on the same graph, we usually use a scatter plot. Scatter plots are useful especially later on, when we talk about regression analysis, as they help us detect patterns (linearity, homoscedasticity).

Scatter plots
usually represent lots and lots of data. Typically, we are not interested in single
but rather in the
structure of the dataset.


Creating a scatter
plot in Excel


1.  Choose the two
datasets you want to plot.

2.  Insert -> Charts -> Scatter

A scatter
plot that looks in the following way (down) represents data that doesn’t
have a pattern. Completely
vertical ‘forms’ show no association.


Conversely, the plot above shows a linear pattern, meaning that the observations move together.