Covariance and Correlation

Lesson 8/26 | Study Time: 1 Min


Covariance is a measure of the joint
variability of two variables.

• A positive covariance means
that the two variables move

• A covariance of 0 means that
the two variables are

• A negative covariance
means that the two
variables move in opposite

Covariance can take on values from
-∞ to +∞ . This is a problem as it
is very hard to put such numbers
into perspective.
Sample covariance formula:

In Excel,
the covariance is calculated by:


   Sample covariance:


        Population covariance:



Correlation is a measure
of the joint variability of
two variables. Unlike covariance,
correlation could be
of as a standardized
It takes on values between

-1 and 1, thus it is easy for us to
interpret the result.


correlation of 1, known as perfect positive correlation, means that one variable is perfectly explained by the other.

A correlation of 0 means
that the variables are independent.

A correlation of -1, known as
perfect negative correlation,
means that one variable is explaining the other one perfectly, but they move in opposite

In Excel, correlation is calculated by:
