The Central Limit Theorem

Lesson 10/26 | Study Time: 0 Min

  The Central Limit Theorem

-The Central
Limit Theorem (CLT)
is one of the greatest statistical insights. It states that no matter the underlying distribution of the dataset, the sampling distribution of the means would approximate a normal distribution.

-Moreover, the mean of the 
distribution would be equal to the mean of the original distribution and the
would be n times
smaller, where n is the size of the
samples. The CLT applies
whenever we have a sum or an average of many variables (e.g.
sum of rolled numbers when rolling dice).

Why is it useful?

CLT allows us
to assume normality
for many different variables.
very useful for
confidence intervals,
hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. In fact, the Normal
distribution is so predominantly observed around

due to the fact that following the CLT, many variables converge to Normal.

Click here for a CLT

Where can we see it?

Since many concepts and events are a sum or an average of
different effects, CLT applies and we observe normality all
the time. For example, in regression analysis, the dependent variable is explained through the sum of error terms.