Mean, Median, Mode

Lesson 6/26 | Study Time: 0 Min


The mean is the most widely spread
measure of central tendency. It is the

average of the dataset.


Note: easily affected by outliers


The formula to calculate the mean is:

In Excel, the mean
is calculated by:




The median is the midpoint of the ordered
dataset. It is not as popular as the mean, but is often used in academia and data science.

That is since it is not
affected by outliers.


In an ordered dataset, the median is the number at position


The mode is the value
that occurs most often. A dataset can have

0 modes,
1 mode or multiple modes.


The mode is calculated simply by finding the value
with the highest frequency

In Excel, the mode
is calculated by:



returns one



returns an array with
the modes. It is used when we have more than 1 mode

Calculating skewness
in Excel



Skewness is a measure
of asymmetry that indicates
whether the observations in a dataset are
concentrated on one side.


Right (positive) skewness looks like the one in the graph. It means that the outliers
are to the right (long tail to the right).


(negative) skewness
means that the outliers are to the left. Usually, you will use software to calculate

Formula to calculate skewness: